Club Newsletters

Welcome to the first newsletter of the new 2017-18 Committee.

Thank you to those who put their hand up to be on this year's Committee. I am very grateful for their dedication and commitment to the Club. Our Committee members all have busy jobs and plenty of family commitments but have still taken the opportunity to volunteer their time to the Club. Without them, we would have no one to run our Club so please give them your support.The new committee has already met and decided on holders for the following important club roles:

• Recorder and Tagging Officer: Mick Peel
• Editor: Anthony Heiser
• Web Master: Lindsay Steele
• Facebook Administrator: Anthony Heiser
• Property Officer: Mick Peel
• Outing Liaison Officer: John Martin
• Safety Officer: Chris Lemmon
• Activities Officer: Anthony Heiser
• Burrinjuck Chairperson: Sarah Borman
• Burrinjuck Sponsorship Officer: Mick Jewry

Read the August - September edition of the Canberra Fisherman's Club Newsletter.

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