Other Events

From time to time Canberra Fisherman's Club holds events.

CFC 2024 SGM & AGM notice

Hi Members,

We will be holding a Special General Meeting (SGM) as well as the club's Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 13 August 2024 starting at 6:45pm, at the Croatia Deakin Soccer Club, 3 Grose Street, Deakin, ACT, 2600.  This will be followed by the normal General Meeting.

The SGM will be held so that we can vote on some proposed changes to our constitution.

The  changes proposed are to Section 8 - Financial Affairs of the Club
Items c, d, e & f - basically removing references to cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, promissory notes and other negotiable instruments 

See proposed changes below including the complete removal of item c

SGM Amendment

Please come along, renew your membership as we need to have a corium of members to be able to run the meeting.  In order to vote at the SGM & AGM you need to be a financial member and in attendance at the meeting. We need to achieve a corium to run the meetings which is the lesser of fifteen financial members or 50% of financial membership present in person.
Click the link Membership Form to download and print the form or use the form on the club website to renew online Online Forms

All committee positions will become vacant so consider nominating for a committee position to help guide the club for the next 12 months. Click the link below to download the form
Nomination Form

The bistro should be open so if you can come a bit earlier and grab a bite before the meeting, most of us will be there by 6:00pm to have dinner.

Look forward to seeing you all there

Canberra Fisherman's Club

Lake Tuggeranong Family Fishing Day Results

The Canberra Fishermans Club wishes to thank all 312 participants, their families and helpers who attended and supported our event the Lake Tuggeranong Family Fishing Day in the 37 °C heat on Sunday 19th March 2023. We thank you for your patience while we managed the new technologies we were using. Whilst we make every effort to get things right on the day sometimes mistakes are made.

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Online Raffle Winners

A big thank you from the Canberra Fishermans Club to all who supported the CFC Sportfishing and Fish Stocking Raffle that was drawn on 19th March 2023. We wish to congratulate the following 4 winners who have all been notified by text message and phone calls and we are making arrangements for them to receive their prizes and get some glory photos.

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The National Carp Control Plan


Australia’s Carp population breathed a collective sigh of relief when the National Carp Control Plan (NCCP) was publicly released on 3 November 2022, as it appears the release of the Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV3 or the carp virus) is uncertain, or years away at best.

The NCCP has been six years in the making, although the CSIRO has been investigating the potential of CyHV3 to control Australia’s Carp population many years earlier. While the CSIRO’s earlier work identified the potential of CyHV3 to reduce or eradicate Australia’s carp population, the NCCP quantifies the extent to which this might happen, identifies what risks need to be addressed, and applies this knowledge to develop a strategy to deploy the virus and manage the risks involved.

The delivery of the NCCP is only the first stage of the process to consider the feasibility of any future release of the virus as a biocontrol agent for carp. The NCCP recommended further research and planning be carried out to address some of the uncertainties still remaining under the Plan. Commonwealth, State and Territory governments then need to decide on whether to proceed with the NCCP.

The decision on whether to release the carp virus in Australia will be one of the biggest things to happen to our environment in many generations. The recreational fishing community will be impacted by whatever decision is made and, anglers need to understand what is in the plan and the opportunities and risks it presents.

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ACT Inflatable Life Jacket Servicing

Kids Fishing Clinic

**Attention all Fishos that have Inflatable Life Jackets**

Alan Hocking from ACT Inflatable Life Jacket Servicing is back in town for the next couple of months (he no longer lives in Canberra) so if you require your inflatable lifejackets serviced get in early.

Give Alan a call on on 0400 078 770 to find out where he is at and he will help you out with getting your jackets serviced.

If you are like me and my jackets are not due to Jan/Feb get them done now why Allan is local. You do not want to spoil you Christmas/New Year holiday with a fine because you forgot to get your jackets serviced.

For more information head over to Alans website