Firstly, a big congratulations to all that participated in the 2014 Canberra Carp-Out. It is the Canberra Fisherman's Club's yearly opportunity to do something for our local community and local environment – and we certainly achieved it this year!
This year there was a massive increase in the number of entries and a massive increase in the volume of carp removed from Lake Burley Griffin – and the event ran like clockwork! Once again, I'd like to thank all the volunteers that helped out on the day and on the weekends leading up to the event. I really believe that what sets our club apart from the rest is the number of members that pitch in to make events like this happen – for the second year in a row I was able to put together a roster to give members plenty of time to go fishing between shifts. Well done everyone!
Read the April 2014 edition of the Canberra Fisherman's Club Newsletter (PDF)