G'day all,
Firstly, a big 'THANK YOU' to all our members that were involved in the successful running of the 40th Annual Burrinjuck Convention. Our Burrinjuck Chair Sarah put in a big effort leading up to the event making sure all the food and hire equipment was ordered, picked up and shipped to the event
To our Sponsorship Officer, Anthony for taking time out during his hectic work schedule to contact many of the sponsors, including those that couldn't make the commitment this year. Without the sponsors, the event would not run. Also, as we all know how true the statement 'many hands light work' is, it was terrific to see plenty of members (old and new) rolling up their sleeves and getting in there to lend a hand whether for setting up, pulling down and any of the administrative or cooking shifts.
Read the November 2014 edition of the Canberra Fisherman's Club Newsletter